Friday, November 8, 2013

I Know What Men Want !

That’s your guess?
Well that’s incorrect.
The thing is, I ‘m tired of hearing girls saying, “You know what; men only want one thing.”
Seriously girls, that’s not the case.
 If there are 100 girls, there are those girls whom a guy will give half his nut to be with, and there are those who they actually run from!

Here are few things which men want (and few get):-

1.       The Chase
The Chase is always better than the catch. I have seen such pretty looking girls throwing themselves at boys,  Something which is too easy cannot be too great. It’s kind of human nature.

To explain better, suppose thereare two events. In the first one, they are giving out free passes. Whoever is willing to come to the event may attend. But, for the second event, you get an invitation to a one of a kind exclusive event, which of course, none of your friends have experienced. You have waited for months for this pass and finally when you get a chance, you will not miss it right?

2.       Jewel in the Crown
This is slightly a continuation of the first point. 
But when I say ‘jewel’ , I am not only saying a pretty face. A jewel could be anyone who stands out. Whether it is because of the way they talk , what they do , their hobbies or simply how the express their views.
Someone who is not a shadow....
Someone who shines in their own light....

3.       Socially Independent
God , this is probably the most interesting point .
You know what, I have seen girlfriends become so engrossed in their boyfriend’s social life, that they do not have a life beyond that. These are those girls who will cringe and whine when you take them to a party;especially  when they will have to meet someone new. These girlfriends will sit in a lonely corner while you say ‘hi’ to your friends,and not to mention that your girlfriend will be the reason why you will have to leave early.

Girls, it’s really nice when you can be introduced to someone and you are not lost at sea. You can have an intelligent conversation with an individual without relying on your boyfriend. More importantly you are independent and you’re not defined by the man you walk in with or whose arms you’re in.

4.      Equality
I wonder ... If I was a guy ... I could ‘not have got a girlfriend for myself.
..Here we girls keeping harping about equality ...feminism blah blah... but when do we ever fuc*ing use it?

A hypocrite ?
...The truth is...most girls are!
Your boyfriend is a BOYFRIEND. 
NOT driver, waiter, bar tender, cook, personal bank ......well yeah you get the point. I cringe when I see girlfriends ordering their boyfriends around.

It’s nice to have your boyfriend drop you at night...That’s fine...
But not taking advantage of him ... If he has done something for you , then return the favor.
The usual argument here is that you will let him make out with you? Oh really  !and you don't like that?
Cut the crap. 
You like it as much as he does. So this doesn't count as a favor. 
You’re not a PRINCESS (and he is not your slave!)

5.    Hangout
I think guys are awesome to hang out with. So, what I am saying instead of dragging him to shop with you, go somewhere else. Do something fun! (BTW men do not consider shopping fun.)

Personally speaking, I love shopping with my girlfriends. 
Shop, eat, gossip...a perfect afternoon...
On the other hand , if I turn around and look at my boyfriend and ask, “In this year’s fall collection is lace out?”
 He will scratch his head and look at his feet. 
Well that’s what all men will do. 
Ummm....straight men.

Instead go for a game, see an action movie , play video games...
They will love it. And you’ll too because they will love it so much!
It’s so much better than dragging a sulking boyfriend to 100 shops and being your personal shopper (Do refer to point 4 in case you’re not getting what I am saying)

Concluding ,
The color of your shoe,
The butterfly on your hair band,
The padding in your bra,
or even whether your thin or fat...
Be Independent ...Be an Achiever ....Be Self Sufficient ...Be Emotionally stable ...and of course Be Lovable ...
In other words
Be awesome.....

Because that’s exactly what they want!
What say boys?

-Roshni Ali

Don't forget to share as it may save some poor boyfriend's life !